Now you can monitor your HVAC park remotely, at any time. As your tenants use their Vaillant boiler, data is transmitted to the Vaillant server. This data is then shared with you, providing you with real-time, actionable insights.
Your Benefits
On-site interventions aren’t just costly for you, they are inconvenient for customers. The Vaillant API allows you to change settings on heating appliances remotely, without a personal visit. These changes can also help the tenant reduce energy costs.

Our Offer
Rest APIs provide data in a clear, structured, and well-documented manner. Access is limited to authenticated users. A dedicated support team provides 24/7 assistance, backed by an ISO-certified German facility with high levels of cyber security and data reliability.
A lean integration approach is enabled by notification push for faults or maintenance alerts and further deep dive using the power of myVAILLANT Pro Service for data visualisation and remote intervention.
You can use our API services to monitor and control most Vaillant Group systems.
API Service Recommendation
Service Efficiency
Reduce the number of on-site visits and increase service efficiency with remote monitoring of myVAILLANT/MiGo Link connected heating systems.