Increase your service efficiency by remotely adjusting parameters. Get notifications pushed to your CRM app. Monitor 24/7 and reduce service interventions by diagnosing remotely. Even synchronize Vaillant HVAC units with photovoltaic, solar thermal and electric vehicles for improved energy management.
Your Benefits
You instantly get a commanding view of your entire HVAC park. Your day-to-day management becomes more predictable and efficient. You can optimise your service schedule. You can respond to issues more quickly and prepare better for more first time fixes. Or even avoid call-outs altogether by resolving minor faults before they develop into something more serious.
✓ Better planning
Have tools and spare parts at hand when needed.
✓ reduce service interventions
Save money and keep tenants happy.
Saunier Duval Diagnostic
API – Remote Services for connected boilers
The Vaillant API provides you with a rich source of actionable data. This can make the difference between a costly site visit and making a few proactive adjustments on a laptop. Armed with all this real-time knowledge, you can monitor your entire HVAC park remotely and cost-effectively - with minimal disruption to tenants.
Client Delegation API – Remote Diagnostics plug-in solution
The Client Delegation API provides you a lean way to efficiently intervene in case of an issue with the heating system by making use of myVAILLANT pro/MiGo Xpert. Reduce unnecessary customer visits. Have all spare parts in your vehicle.

Our Offer
A choice of myVAILLANT and myVAILLANT Pro platforms offer highly reliable services with availability rates exceeding 98%.
Properly documented APIs provide not only a live monitor with well-visualised data but also a comprehensive system notification history. Plus a code finder, spare parts catalogue and guided repair instructions. There are also small API integrations with a full set of diagnostic data.
API Service Recommendation
Our Energy Management API services allow customers to integrate their HVAC system into your app, enabling you to provide them with cost and consumption optimisation solutions.
Service Efficiency
Reduce the number of on-site visits and increase service efficiency with remote monitoring of myVAILLANT/MiGo Link connected heating systems.